Project | | Description | Year of finish
Public water main - Dobříč, Koryta, Čivice and Kačerov | | Technological equipment and PS | under implementation |
WTP Kaplanka | | WTP reconstruction, equipment of water tank, PS Krásná | 2023 |
WTP Fefry, Prachatice | | New WTP construction incl. technol. equipment | 2023 |
WTP Mariánské Lázně | | Reconstruction of clarifiers | 2022 |
Water Tank Zliv | | Technological equipment | 2022 |
Water Tank Klatovy | | Elektrolytic production and sodium hypochlorite dosing | 2021 |
Water Tank Vinice | | Alternative pumping | 2021 |
Water Tank Ráječek | | Reconstruction of technology | 2021 |
WTP Homolka |  | Reconstruction of raw water pumps | 2020 |
Water Tank Hrádek |  | Strengthening water supply and new water tank | 2019 |
Water Tank Štěpánov | | Reconstruction of pipelines | 2018 |
Water Tank Žalov | | Valve chamber reconstruction | 2018 |
Velké Karlovice | | Well improvement | 2018 |
WTP Petrovičky | | WTP reconstruction | 2018 |
PS Sihoť |  | Reconstruction of water pumping station - technological part | 2017 |
WTP Karolinka | | Reconstruction of chlorization | 2017 |
PS Lužná |  | Replacement of pumping station technology | 2017 |
WTP Choceň |  | WTP reconstruction - delivery of machine part and control system | 2015 |
WTP Železná Ruda | | WTP reconstruction - delivery of machine part and control system | 2015 |
WTP Plzeň |  | WTP reconstruction - delivery of machine part and control system | 2015 |
PS Bruska | | Reconstruction of water pumping station Bruska - technological part | 2014 |
WTP Oravská Lesná | | Project documentation | 2014 |
WTP Kolinec |  | New WTP construction | 2012 |
WTP Přeštice |  | WTP general reconstruction | 2012 |
WTP Plzeň | | WTP III – accumulation – pipeline reconstruction – Phase I | 2011 |
WTP Dúbrava |  | SKV Dúbrava – removal of antimony, water treatment plant Demänovská dolina – general reconstruction | 2008 |
Clean Town Klatovy | | Equipment and reconstruction of water tanks | 2008 |
Completion of water-management infrastructure in Plzeň | | Equipment of pump stations and water tanks | 2007 |
WTP Mladá Vožice | | Delivery and installation of two 200m3 water tanks | 2006 |
WTP Nečtiny | | GD of water treatment plant technology | 2003 |
WTP Milence | | Reconstruction of water treatment plant – electrical + control systems; project, implementation, HW, SW | 2002 |
Town of Měčín | | Radon concentration reduction; project, implementation | 2002 |
Municipality of Drslavice | | Radon concentration reduction; project, implementation | 2002 |
VDJ Rozvoj - Klatovy | | Reconstruction of old Rozvoj water tank; project, implementation | 2002 |
Nedaničky | | Extension of water source in Nedaničky; project, implementation | 2002 |